Privacy Policy


We want you to be informed of our practices, when we collect, process, use and disclose information. This Privacy Policy (Policy) governs our data collection, processing, transfer protocols, to enable you to better understand the manner in which we handle your personal information (as defined by law). This Privacy Policy covers only information collected through our Platform and does not cover any other data collection or processing, without limitation, collection conducted offline, or through our products or services that do not link directly with this Policy, or by third-party sites that we may link to. We may revise this Policy, and update our Services and the Platform from time to time. So, we request you to please review this page regularly and take notice of any changes we make. We will, in any event, periodically inform our users of this Policy, and any change in this Policy, as required by law. If you do not agree with any part of this Policy, please stop using our Services or accessing this Platform immediately. LOGIN

What If There Are Changes To This Policy?

Addabaaz may periodically review and change this Policy to incorporate such changes as may be considered appropriate and will strive to update you of such changes with prior notice, where possible. We urge you to review the Policy on a periodic basis; in the event we make significant changes to this Policy we will inform you in advance. Your continued use of the Platform and our Services will deem you as having consented to the prevailing Policy.

Do We Collect Data From Children?

Our Services are not directed to persons under the legal age of eighteen years. ADDABAAZ does not knowingly collect any information from children under legal age. If we are informed that a child under legal age has provided us with their personal information, we will take all the necessary steps to remove such information from our servers and terminate such accounts. If you become aware that any child has provided personal information, please inform us by writing to us at the address given in the ‘How Can You Contact Us’ section below.

What Are Our Data Security and Protection Practices?

We maintain appropriate technical and physical safeguards to protect Information against accidental or unlawful destruction or loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access, and any other unlawful form of processing of the data in our possession. These safeguards ensure a level of protection commensurate to the risk, the nature of our business, and take into account available technologies, implementation costs, the nature, context and purpose of processing, and the degree or likelihood of risk.

What Data Do We Collect?

When you visit our website, use our mobile application, and our Services, you trust us with your personal information. We take your privacy seriously. Through this policy, we have tried to explain to you in the clearest and simplest way possible what information we collect, why we collect it, by what means, and how we use it. We collect this information to ensure that we can provide you our Services in the best manner possible. And we wish to keep such collection and usage of data as transparent as possible. We don't collect any others data